quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008

New Music

Yes... I know, you are with me.
I can caunt you, and you can caunt me.
Yes, my little boy, it's really.

I need speack to you everyday.
Because this??? Idon't know...
Just I like stand you, same never stand by.

You leave me freely to make craziness.
You make me so happy with your be way.

I don't wish you cry.
I don't wish you suffer.
I wish you smile.
And smile to forever.

Never leave what the friendship end!
But I never will leave.
I stand to forever with you.

My little boy...
And my BIG...BIG Friend...
We'll have a happy end.

By me
To>> My little boy

2 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. agora vou fazer um comentário descente. Gostei da letra, pricipalmente da parte do little boy, hehehe.

    Você tem talento, basta ir lapidando ele para que melhore cada vez mais.


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